SEPTEMBER 18, 2018
Meet Jan Olson of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic church in Northwest suburbs of Chicago
Today we’d like to introduce you to Jan Olson.
So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. I am originally from Philadelphia. Being born and raised in the city, me and my family now enjoy the small-town country life in the suburbs of Chicago. My story begins about 18 years ago while living in Florida and began looking for some good friends. We began attending the local Catholic Church in search of friendships. In the bulletin the church explained that there was a need for CCD teachers and I thought, well maybe I could do that. I told myself, if it’s in next week’s bulletin then I would call. Not only was it in the bulletin the following week, it was in large bold print, so I called the next day. They sent me to take some College courses to prepare me to teach about God, who I didn’t really know very well. After teaching for 4 years we moved up here to Hampshire, IL and again the nudge came to teach. In order to receive a catechist certification, I was in need of a spiritual enhancement, so I attended a Cursillo Weekend, which is a short course in Christianity. My husband said, “My wife went on the weekend and this other lady come back,” meaning I changed. I encountered God that weekend and He has changed our lives forever.
I was invited to go into Ministry Formation, a two-year program in the Rockford Diocese for those that want to become leaders in the church. This was not my goal, to be a leader in the church; I only wanted to know who God is. At this point, my husband and I had been married for 20 years and both our children were about to enter High School. I was working part time at our family business. I really thought I was living the dream. So, after the two years of Ministry Formation, there was an opening in our parish for the position of Director of Religious Education. This was a job I thought that I did not want. But, the nudge came, and I went over to the church to sit before the Lord Jesus face to face, which is called Adoration, to adore the Lord. I placed before him this choice or decision to apply for this job or leave things as they were. The words that fell on my heart were, “There’s a need.” After explaining to my husband, Christopher, that apparently there is a need and that we would need to change our whole lives around, he was willing to make the change. My husband is a popular barber in the area and he would now need to take over the administrative part of the business that I was handling. My kids would need to help around the house more and I could no longer be the helicopter parent that I was. (My daughter says that I still am) I even consulted a priest and asked him to pray for me, as I discerned whether to take this job or not. He folded his arms, looked at me and said, “It’s your duty.” Truly, it is our duty to give our lives back to the one who created us. God was straightening out our family, so we could become what He intends us to become for Him.
Continuing the education required, I took the Catechetical Leaders class to become a DRE. After 3 months as the DRE, the Youth Minister said that she had no events planned for this year and was going to take a step back. I spoke to our priest, Father Nnaso, asking what to do. He said, “You are the Youth Minister, go to some meetings and find out what to do.” So, I did. I joined FRYM (Fox River Youth Ministers) which is a group of Youth Ministers from many local catholic churches who gather each month to share ideas and support one another. Prayer was the first place to start and three months later we began a now thriving Youth Ministry in our Parish. We started with 6 youth at our first event 5 years ago. Now we have 25 youth regularly at each event ranging from 5th grade to seniors in High School. We take teens to Steubenville each year. This is a teen conference that is held all over the US to help our teens know they are not alone in this world and that there are many teens who live their faith. They experience that coming together to worship the Lord, builds faith in God and that our community is important. We need one another. They experience God! We took 21 youth to Camp WOW this year, where youth can go camping and enjoy living their faith with daily Mass, Confessions, Adoration and Praise and Worship music. I don’t know why Camp WOW is not nationwide, yet! Over the past few years we have invited teens into church ministry and so we have teens who have tried a ministry and now remain in ministry in our parish. We have teen lectors, ushers, greeters, in choir, peer ministers and as catechists in Family Faith Formation. The teens are taking over, in an awesome way!
Serving the Youth isn’t the only ministry I enjoy. Accompanying adults on retreats is very full filling, giving them the same experience; I had with God so that they can encounter Him for themselves as I did. Spending time making friends, being friends and bringing them to Christ is the best formula for making new, lifelong, faith-filled friends. The Catholic Church is filled with so many ways for adults to encounter the Lord: Cursillo in Christianity, Miles Christi, and Light of the World; or continually watching EWTN and listening to Relevant Radio programs; just to name a few.
This year we are piloting Family Faith Formation (FFF) for all families: not just the RE/CCD drop off anymore, but the whole family will now come twice a month to pray together and do activities together. When the kids go off to class we have speakers come in and talk with the parents on the same topics that their children are learning. FFF also incorporates small group discussions to help build lifelong, faith-filled friends that we need to survive in this world. We need to strengthen and support families especially when we see single parent families, interfaith families and families who are struggling in this world that is so diverse. Family is God’s idea!
We began a Women’s Bible Study four years ago which has turned into a new ministry, the WINE Ministry (Women in the New Evangelization) which reaches many young moms with growing families and retired women in our parish. Our parish is becoming vibrant!
On a personal note, my husband was called to the Diaconate after we made a pilgrimage to Philadelphia (my home town) to see Pope Francis in 2015. He has four years left of study and then he will be ordained a Deacon in the Rockford Diocese. We both are trying to live and become what God has created us to be for His Glory. If you want the secret to happiness and joy in this life here on earth, it is to live the Mystery of God here and now! Let’s not wait for Heaven, but experience a glimpse of Heaven here on earth through our faith, sacraments, Church community and truly take time to experience all that God has created here on earth for us to enjoy.
What I discovered is that God may have had a need for me but in reality, it was I that has a need for Him! It is God who completes my human life here on earth and fulfills in me all that He wants to accomplish in this time and age. St. Irenaeus said, “The Glory of God is man fully alive.” Let’s get out there and live life to the fullest with God!
Has it been a smooth road? Of course there are always some struggles along the way such as being resistant to change, which goes for me, my family and for the church community, until we all adjusted to our new way of life, which takes time. The biggest struggle I have is not having enough time to do the many things that our parishioners would like me to do. To name a few: taking the young adults on a Mission Trip, spending more time with just the teens of our parish who are in desperate need of feeling that they belong in the church and in the world today. It’s difficult to find that sense of belonging with so many distractions to pull people away from God leaving them feeling alone. Another struggle is again resistance to change as parents may not want to take time to attend FFF sessions together with their children, but we need this paradigm shift in the way we are thinking. We need to remember that it’s the parents who brought these beautiful creatures into the world to make it a better place; the parents brought them to be baptized in the Catholic Faith, and the parents taught them about God, first. Parents taught them their first prayers; they introduced their children to God and are the ones who offer the unconditional love of God to their children. We, the Church are here to support the families, strengthen the families and minister to all members of the family from the womb into eternity.
How do you, personally, define success? What’s your criteria, the markers you’re looking out for, etc? Here are some of the little successes of ministry; that moment when someone brings a smile to my face, or when I am able to make someone smile. When a teenage boy actually says to my son; “Jan Olson is your mom? I love your mom!” Success, when your own teens hug you every single day, about 8 times a day. Success, when a bunch of middle school kids high five you at the local fair.
Success, when you know just about everyone at your little church and they hug you and smile at you and ask if you need help. Success, when another mom hands you her little baby to hold as you sit and chat at the parish picnic. Success when my priest takes time to sit down and listen to me no matter the issue, personal or professional. Success, when I do the Lord’s work here on earth to the best of my ability all for the Glory of God. This gives me joy and peace!
So, as you know, we’re impressed with St. Charles Borromeo Catholic church – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others. We are St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Hampshire; IL and we belong to the Rockford Diocese. This is my 5th year as the DRE (Director of Religious Education), the YM (Youth Minister,) the Parish Administrator and also the Adult Education Coordinator. This is a lot for one person so this year; we now have an assistant DRE. As for me, I feel like a mom to many of the youth, we high five when we see each other and they hug me all the time because they know that I love them as Jesus loves them, unconditionally. I have found so much love working in the Church. Truly it’s not work, at all, its ministry! I no longer go to work; I go to the office, offer pastoral care, make new friends and live this amazing life, each day. What is so special about our community of faith here in Hampshire is that we are set apart for God but more so that we are One Family of God.
Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least? Growing up in city life, I enjoy the diversity of people, culture and the variety of experiences that the city provides. What I like least is that I don’t get to visit the city more often.
Donate time to the Youth in your own community!Donate to your Church! Donate your time, donate your talent and donate your treasure. It all belongs to God anyway, and it is your duty!
Contact Info:
Address: St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church 297 E. Jefferson Ave. Hampshire, IL. 60140
Phone: 847-683-2391