Silence is God's language. We do not know all that God is doing. We effect those around us even without speaking to them, just being in their presence. The Spirit of God is in us, moving freely into all who surround us. Many will receive this flowing love of grace and wisdom through silence and we absorb all that surrounds us good or bad. Practicing this art of silence, this language is to open the gates of communication with God. Go, be with God in His Eucharistic Presence, truly God who comes to Earth to be with us and as you sit in His presence, in silence, wonder, what is He thinking? He at that very moment is sharing Himself with you, sharing all that He is, with you. He is giving to you all that He is, His peace, His life, His death, His joys and sorrows. He is sharing with you many gifts, and the greatest gift of all, Himself.
Silence. Silence can be practiced anywhere, to share who you are with others and to receive others as we receive God. Practice this language of God, this Silence of God. You won't be disappointed.