Reading a book called, New Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton. This is a great Lenten book because it prepares us for Holy Week, when many seeds are planted by God into our hearts. During Lent the soil of our hearts are prepared to receive all that God wants to plant in us. If we become God's good soil, the seeds planted will take root right away and the fruit will come. What seeds you may be wondering, the seeds of divine love, generosity, humility and the list goes on. The question is how ready is our soil? Are we still toiling around digging out all the weeds of sin and burdens or have we offered our heart to God and allow Him to prepare our soil. We need to offer our hearts to be in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to be united with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, these are the keys to God's heart. Let's beg the Lord through the rest of Lent, to enter into the soil of our hearts and rip out any obstacles hindering His Divine Will in us. We are very blessed to have the seeds of faith, the gift and foundation of our gardens. Heavenly Father come into our gardens of faith and plant in us your Holy Will.