Silence of heart, mind, soul and body. How well can we keep silent?
Silence of heart is to sink into your heart and find that God dwells there keeping you company all along your way.
Silence of mind is to quiet your thoughts, to stop talking to yourself and others in your mind. This stilling of the mind opens the door for God to step in and speak.
Silence of soul is to enter into God's space and time. Find an image to meditate on in your mind, a place to go, like the dark night sky with all the stars and stay there without drifting. To quiet the soul so that God can move freely through it.
Silence of body is to rest, to sit still so that your body is not a distraction but in line with the quietness of soul. Allow yourself to rest. All these silences work together bringing you, your self, into union with God. Silence is a prayer, listen to your silence.